STEM Stands for Opportunity

STEM is a program that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — and it’s not just for scientists and engineers. We’re here to help you along the way as you get your STEM degree and begin your career.

STEM is a game-changer for our students and our state. From Puget Sound and Yakima Valley to the rolling hills of the Palouse, Washington’s economy is rooted in STEM.

Demand for STEM graduates is at an all-time high. In the past decade, STEM jobs have grown 3 times faster than non-STEM jobs. Yet, too few of our students see STEM’s power or possibilities.

Heritage University aims to assist students to develop the critical reasoning and problem-solving skills that will make them ready to become productive citizens in the STEM fields.


Career Information

Whether you’re a current student, an educator or a community member, you’re invited to further explore STEM career opportunities. These references also include information regarding wages, occupations, industries and prospects for job growth:

Washington Schools & Scholarships

Find scholarships and financial resources to help you succeed on your educational journey!

Additional Resources

Explore careers, make educational plans to reach your goals and find the training programs and the right schools to help you achieve your dreams!