Camp S.E.E.D. Flourishes
Local middle school and high school students have a better understanding of the business world after participating in Camp S.E.E.D. Marketing Day at Heritage University last month. Several dozen students from area schools spent two weeks with Heritage University Enactus members to learn marketing skills. With the help of mentors, they researched, developed, manufactured and marketed products which they sold to the campus community on June 28. The students also sold lunch and snack items.
This is the fifth year for Camp S.E.E.D. (Social, Economic and Environmental Development) at Heritage. Several of the mentors, including Grandview High School student Agustin Cortes, attended Camp S.E.E.D. as a student, and is glad to be giving back to the program.
To see pictures from Market Day, visit the Enactus Heritage University Facebook page by clicking here. Camp S.E.E.D. will host a second cohort of students the first week of July at Heritage.

Camp S.E.E.D. Market Day at Heritage University, June 2018