Letter from Dr. Christina Nyirati, Director of Nursing
Welcome to Heritage University Department of Nursing!

Dr. Christina Nyirati
Whether you are an eager prospective nursing student, interested parent, valued alum or a friend of Heritage, I hope you find our website informative and valuable.
This is an exciting time to become a nurse and to join the nursing community here at Heritage. Our goal is to prepare nurses to make an enduring difference in the health of their families and communities in a highly complex environment; and to share accountability for collaborative decisions with members of interdisciplinary health teams. We strive to create a rich academic environment that is engaging for all of our community members, faculty and students alike. A commitment to diversity is at the core of all we do. We are dedicated to graduating nursing professionals who are leaders and thinkers with cutting edge skills.
The Department of Nursing began offering the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program in 2015. Our BSN program is responsive to needs and demands for creating a local nursing workforce for the 21st century, informed by the Institute of Medicine Report on the Future of Nursing; the Washington Center for Nursing Master Plan for Nursing Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation. These reports highlight how nurses’ roles, responsibilities, and education should change significantly to meet the increased demand for high-quality and high-value care, as well as to advance improvements in America’s increasingly complex health system.
Heritage Nursing is looking for applicants who can succeed in our BSN program and make significant contributions to the profession of nursing. Admission and selection to the BSN program is a multi-step process. If you are interested in the Heritage BSN program, please carefully review the Admissions and Selection Process.
Discover how Heritage is moving toward fulfilling the need for 21st century nurses! We invite you to visit our website often to learn more about Nursing at Heritage. If you have additional questions, please contact Gabrielle Martinez, our Administrative Coordinator for the Department of Nursing at Heritage University.
Christina Nyirati, PhD, RN
Director and Professor, Nursing
College of Arts & Sciences
Heritage University
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